Vladimir Film Festival

Zoe Miloš: ZO3001

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 19:00 / Exhibition

In his latest exhib­i­tion, Zoe Miloš explores the concept of halt­ing or slow­ing down time to reflect on the par­al­lel cur­rents of an indi­vidu­al’s con­scious­ness, life, and cre­at­ive pro­cess. By doing so, he pre­serves for­got­ten moments of truth — wheth­er per­son­al or philo­soph­ic­al. The exhib­i­tion show­cases works cre­ated using a vari­ety of tech­niques, from type­writ­ing and xer­ox to the innov­at­ive use of ges­tures and decon­struc­tion of paint lay­ers on canvas.

This multi-layered approach not only reveals the artist’s pro­cess but also evokes a per­son­al quest, a search for the roots of his cre­at­ive expression.

Miloš’s work invites view­ers to engage in their own myth-mak­ing, offer­ing a chance to recon­nect with the nat­ur­al and spir­itu­al prin­ciples with­in us. Each piece becomes a mir­ror for the observer­’s inner jour­ney, encour­aging rein­ter­pret­a­tion and intro­spec­tion, with the hope that these glimpses into per­son­al myths will lead to a redis­cov­ery of what is essen­tial and authen­t­ic in our nature.

Edo Hrzen­jak, Hreljin, 2024