Vladimir Film Festival


Although a place with less than 4.000 inhab­it­ants, Fažana is the cen­ter of  the DIY scene on Istri­an pen­in­sula. It was known as a small charm­ing fish­er­mens town but in time it became a sum­mer sea­son tour­ist­ic attrac­tion, as it is situ­ated across the Nation­al park Brijuni.

Fažana’s skate­board­ing scene begins to devel­op in the late 90’s driv­en by enthu­si­asm and a strong desire to make skate­board­ing an essen­tial part of Fažana’s rich cul­tur­al offer.

Young skaters star­ted to cre­ate an ever-grow­ing skate­board­ing cul­ture and some of their first pro­jects involved con­struc­tions of impro­vised ramps and rails in the areas of old aban­doned factor­ies in 2003. It was pre­cisely the DIY spots that attrac­ted a sig­ni­fic­ant num­ber of skaters and vis­it­ors from all over Europe. It is a shame that the loc­al gov­ern­ment was not cap­able of util­ise this raw energy and pre­serve this sig­ni­fic­ant landmarks.

Skate­board club August Šenoa has since devised a new pro­ject for Fažana with the help from Bryg­ger­iet, the Medit­er­an skate park. Hope­fully it will see the light of day soon.