Vladimir Film Festival


With the pro­gram of the fest­iv­al grow­ing every year we find our selfs in need of new loc­a­tions. Over the years we scouted places in and around Fažana that would suit dif­fer­ent pro­jects that were presen­ted at Vladi­mir. Here are all the sites that were part of the fest­iv­al, past and present.


Skate park

First Vladi­mir was held at the skate park in Fažana. It’s the begin­ning of it all. Some years later the city tore it down…

First Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al / Photo Teddy Lee

Glass fact­ory

Second year, screen­ing at the wall of the fact­ory ruins. It’s the first time we had a photo exhibition.

The old glass fact­ory / Photo Nikola Racan

Liquer fact­ory

DIY was in the mak­ing so we shif­ted from one fact­ory to the other.

Nikola Racan — wall­ride fakie / Photo Tomaž Šantl

Caffe bar Stara Fažana

In 2014. the DIY was des­troyed so we were in need of new spaces for the fest­iv­al. The idea was to bring Vladi­mir closer to the loc­al pub­lic so we went with the core Fažana old town small square.

Photo Tomaž Šantl
Photo exib­i­tion Aymer­ic Nocus / Photo Henry Kingsford

Piazza Grande

The fest­iv­al was grow­ing, so was the audi­ence that sup­por­ted it so we were forced to change ven­ue again, just 20 meters to the Piazza Grande, much big­ger square, and we had to build a much big­ger screen too.

Piazza Grande / Photo Tedi Korodi
Photo Tedi Korodi

Bri­oni hotel

This spot we used in dif­fer­ent occa­sions in dif­fer­ent ways, big exhib­i­tions in the foy­er of the hotel, small screen­ings in the back garden, skate mar­ket and screen­ings in the big square by the hotel, even skate trick and photo competitions…

Photo Tedi Korodi


The space of urb­an cul­ture, the asso­ci­ation run­ning Kas­arna is relat­ivly new addi­tion to the fam­ily. After an all redesign of the place it became ideal for photo exhib­i­tions, events and after parties with a mini ramp and a beau­ti­ful pine shaded backyard.

Mini ramp / Photo Tedi Korodi
Peter Fetich photo exhib­i­tion / Photo Tedi Korodi

Black Lady

If you go there you fall in love!
The place to close it all, off-pro­gram, skate pub quiz and ghetto skate videos…

Photo Nikola Racan

Tito’s open-air cinema

Brijuni big screen, boat ride, flora and fauna on the island…

Photo Tedi Korodi

Con­gress hall

The Con­gress hall at the Brijuni island was a real savior for the rainy 2020.

Photo Tedi Korodi

Valli cinema

Pula Film Fest­iv­al and Valli cinema were the first part­ners of the fest­iv­al and recog­nized the qual­ity pro­grams it brings. The cinema — place mostly reserved for doc­u­ment­ar­ies and also for people who does not neces­sary skate, some­thing to bring them closer to our world view.

Photo Tedi Korodi


With the spe­cial pro­ject by Rick and Buddy, Behind the fence, we were in a need of a big spa­tious place, so the fort­ress look­ing on the city with a big yard and walls was per­fect. It was again needed for Stat­ic 20th anniversary exhibition.

Photo Tedi Korodi
Behind the fence video install­a­tion / Photo Matej Počervina
Stat­ic XX exhib­i­tion / Photo Tedi Korodi

Cva­jn­er gallery

Exhib­i­tions and after parties at the main roman square in Pula, skat­ing the old­est tample… Good times.

Photo Tomaž Šantl


We always wanted to do a punk gig, Rojc is the per­fect place, for Vx it is hap­pen­ing with the help of Monte­paradiso, organ­izers of the longest going punk fest­iv­al in Croatia.

Photo Tedi Korodi

Fort Forno

Fort in Bar­bar­iga was alwayss a side quest for every­body at Vladi­mir. For the 10th edtion we made it offi­cial: screen­ings, exhib­i­tions, skate all day, swim, chill, music.. all legit.

Photo Will Jivcoff