Vladimir Film Festival

Fažana DIY

DIY scene has been act­ive for years in Fažana. Thanks to a small group of per­sist­ent indi­vidu­als, Fažana has become one of the most import­ant and valu­able skate places in the region, which is a great thing for future gen­er­a­tions, who will con­tin­ue to devel­op today’s skate scene.

Ex Glass factory

First DIY (2001)

As young­sters we put togeth­er the first DIY in Fažana in front of the aban­doned Glass fact­ory. A few pieces of wood were enough for us to spend days learn­ing tricks and hang out.

Young Nikola, nose manu­al / Photo Oleg Morović

Ex Glass factory

The Glass fact­ory was the birth­place of Fažana DIY and skate­board­ing, DIY cam­era work, first movies that came from fazana were shot on this loc­a­tion. The fact­ory shot sown in early 00 since then we have been squat­ting the area. We have been build­ing our first skate obstacles out­doors and indoors. From wood to plastic from stones to con­crete, it is now all gone and part of the his­tory arti­facts that are left are only on the pho­tos. First, build 2001 shoot down 2014. In the final year, we did a Vladi­mir 2014 poster as an homage to our youth spent in there.

I can still breath dust from there.

Glass fact­ory / Photo Nikola Racan
Glass fact­ory DIY / Photo Tomaž Šantl
Oleg Morović, roof to roof / Photo Luka Baradić

Mini ramp at the glass factory

A brief moment in time before they thore down the fact­ory remains there was an indoor mini ramp.

Pho­tos Oleg Morović

Ex Liquor factory

Liquor fact­ory was short-lived and most fam­ous DIY in Fažana. It was built in 2013 only to be torn down a year after. By then we have learned the craft and made it to become prop­er skate park build­ers. This DIY was the entry point that opened the doors for Vladi­mir and gave it recog­ni­tion. We got more involved in con­nect­ing with oth­er crews and skaters and from there it took off into some­thing big­ger, but equally import­ant to us as a whole skate community.

Ex liquor fact­ory DIY / Photo Kristi­jan Smok
Ses­sion / Photo Oleg Morović


Mini ramp

Kas­arna miniramp, build 2014 still there… the spot was squat­ted in 2001 after the refugee depart. The space used to be a canteen for the Yugoslav polit­ic­al stu­dents, the space around the build­ing was the only polit­ic­al school in former Yugoslavia. Inside now is the bar, ramp, our office, and a zine archive.

Mini ramp in Kas­arna / Photo Tedi Korodi

Skate park 4

Build in 2018 and re-build this sum­mer, we spent four months to cre­ate a flowy and weird mini skate park. We man­aged to take the land from the city and revital­ize the whole area around that old pla­to. There dur­ing the sum­mer we organ­ize skate ses­sions and events where you can dance, eat fresh fish and drink beers from our cafe.

Zoe Miloš / Photo Tedi Korodi

Fažana skate park

The only leg­al play­ground in Fažana used to be the skate park in the cen­ter of city which was the birth­place of the first Vladi­mir in 2011 and home of one of the most icon­ic skate events in the region held on Labour day from 2009 to 2015. Now, the skate park is gone for some time and we are still dream­ing of a new skate­park that will hope­fully someday hap­pen here in Fažana.