Vladimir Film Festival

Where Do You Want Us? / Harry Mead­ley and Sarah Oglesby

Pula / Kino Valli / 21 / 9 / 2024 / 20:25 / Film

Caught between pro­hib­it­ive policies, lack of pub­lic safety and exclu­sion­ary beha­viours with­in the skate com­munity, this film explores issues con­cern­ing the female and mar­gin­al­ized gender skate­board com­munity in Leeds, UK, and asks, WHERE DO YOU WANT US?

Build­ing on the work of Civic Skate­board­ing, a pro­ject by artist and skate­boarder Harry Mead­ley attempt­ing to make pub­lic spaces safer and more inclus­ive, this film seeks to offer fur­ther insight into the exper­i­ences, view­points and hopes from this often over­looked community.