Vladimir Film Festival

Tom­is­lav Goto­vac’s “Degrafit­ting” (1989)

Fažana / Riva / 19 / 9 / 2024 / 17:00 / Exhibition

Photo by: Damir Alter

Tom­is­lav Goto­vac’s “Degrafit­ting” (1989), a hom­mage to Wolf Vos­tell, was a rad­ic­al act that chal­lenged the dynam­ics between pub­lic expres­sion and control. 

By metic­u­lously eras­ing graf­fiti at the Kas­arna in Fažana, Goto­vac not only removed phys­ic­al marks but also cri­tiqued how author­ity attempts to san­it­ize and dom­in­ate pub­lic spaces.

His per­form­ance raised pro­found ques­tions about the imper­man­ence of rebel­lion and the ten­sion between cre­ation and destruc­tion in urb­an land­scapes, exem­pli­fy­ing his com­mit­ment to ques­tion­ing soci­et­al norms and pro­vok­ing thought through simple yet impact­ful gestures.