Vladimir Film Festival

Tom­is­lav Goto­vac Video Screenings

Fažana / MMC FAŽANA / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 14:00 / Film

We are excited to present a series of video screen­ings by the renowned avant-garde artist Tom­is­lav Goto­vac, show­cas­ing his ground­break­ing work from the 1960s and bey­ond. Don’t miss this unique oppor­tun­ity to exper­i­ence Gotovac’s exper­i­ment­al films, span­ning dec­ades of his influ­en­tial career.

Screen­ings include:

  1. Prije podne jed­nog fauna 1963
  2. Pra­vac 1964
  3. Plavi jahač 1964
  4. Kružn­ica 1964
  5. Tom­is­lav Goto­vac 1996
  6. Straža na Rajni 2000

Join us as we delve into Gotovac’s vis­ion­ary world and cel­eb­rate his con­tri­bu­tions to film and per­form­ance art.