Vladimir Film Festival

Tomáš Javůrek: Blend­ing Skate­board­ing and Art

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 19:00 / Exhibition

Tomáš Javůrek, also known as Javor, is a Czech paint­er and per­former whose cre­at­ive work is deeply rooted in his two dec­ades of skate­board­ing exper­i­ence and upbring­ing in the small town of Česká Lípa. Known for his unique skate­board­ing style that fuses tra­di­tion­al tricks with dance-like move­ments, Javor’s express­ive approach to skat­ing is reflec­ted in his art­work. His pieces often depict char­ac­ters inter­act­ing with urb­an envir­on­ments, cap­tur­ing the essence of street life and skate culture.

In addi­tion to his more abstract work, Javor is recog­nized for his satir­ic­al illus­tra­tions that cri­tique the influ­ence of social media and the com­mer­cial­iz­a­tion of skateboarding. 

At the “Skate­board­ing is kind of kind” exhib­i­tion, Javor will present his latest work, which focuses on themes of DIY cul­ture, com­munity-build­ing, and phil­an­thropy with­in the skate­board­ing world.