Vladimir Film Festival

The World On Board

Fažana / MMC FAŽANA / 22 / 9 / 15:00 Film

THE WORLD ON BOARD is a series of short doc­u­ment­ar­ies, in which Skateistan spends some time with their Schools and Skateistan In A Box part­ners. Snap­shots from across the world, this is a glob­al move­ment for change, through skate­board­ing and cre­at­ive learn­ing. It is a doc­u­ment­ary series com­pris­ing 15 – 20 minute epis­odes, each one fea­tur­ing one of Skateistan’s Schools or glob­al pro­ject part­ner­ships. The format is fairly flu­id, involving loc­al cre­at­ives and crews from the fea­tured loc­a­tions with Skateistan’s Cre­at­ive Dir­ect­or, Oisín Tam­mas, act­ing as Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer and Dir­ect­or to ensure con­tinu­ity across the assets.

The series is an exer­cise in plat­form­ing stor­ies from across the glob­al social skate sec­tor, allow­ing the Skateistan-fun­ded pro­jects every­where to teach us how they are uniquely placed to bring the world on board.


Ses­sions will take place by the DIY skate­park at Kasarna:

  1. Journ­alling (fol­low­ing the screen­ing of Lands End) Fri­day 20/9 MMC Fažana [time TBC]
  2. Poetry Sat­urday 21/9 Kas­arna DIY [time TBC]
  3. Char­ac­ter-build­ing Sunday 22/9 Kas­arna DIY [time TBC]

Epis­ode 1 How women are fight­ing for safe skate-spaces in Athens! Free Movement 

Epis­ode 2 Ten years of skate­board­ing in South Africa Skateistan SA

Epis­ode 3 Unit­ing the migrant com­munit­ies of Jordan through skate­board­ing 7Hills