Vladimir Film Festival

Skate­hive X Vladi­mir Festival

17 / 09 / 2024 / Story

Skate­hive star­ted as a small com­munity of skaters post­ing con­tent on-chain, and now it’s evolving into some­thing much big­ger. We’re more than stoked to see people not only enjoy­ing what we’re build­ing but act­ively con­trib­ut­ing to the growth of the com­munity by cre­at­ing their own pro­jects. What star­ted as a place to share skate clips has now become a thriv­ing plat­form with fea­tures like our Magazine for long-form con­tent, a Feed for short posts, tip­ping func­tions, pro­file cards, air­drop but­tons, and much more!

Just like in real life, where a crew comes togeth­er to repair a spot, film a ses­sion, or organ­ize an event, the same thing is hap­pen­ing in the Web3 space, thanks to its open-source eth­os. Build­ers in Skate­hive con­nect, code, organ­ize events, share ideas, and col­lect­ively decide the future of their favor­ite projects.

This year Skate­hive sup­por­ted Vladi­mir fest­iv­al with the aim to onboard more skaters to the com­munity. Your pro­ject may be the next to receive some love from Skate­hive. For more ques­tion and onboard­ing help, just look for Marko Zubak around the fest­iv­al, even in the early hours on the dan­cing floor. This is the spir­it we’ve embraced as a com­munity — an open-source approach where every­one is wel­come to con­trib­ute their tal­ents. Through DAO vot­ing, we all have a say in decid­ing the next steps for Skate­hive. It’s a true skater-driv­en pro­ject, built by the com­munity, for the com­munity. Let’s keep grow­ing together!

Learn more about Skate­hive’s his­tory in this long-ass post by @knowhow92: https://​www​.skate​hive​.app/​p​o​s​t​/​h​i​v​e​-​1​7​3​1​1​5​/​@​k​n​o​w​h​o​w​9​2​/​t​h​e​-​o​r​i​g​i​n​s​-​o​f​-​s​k​a​t​e​h​i​v​e​-​s​k​a​t​e​b​o​a​r​d​i​n​g​-​c​o​m​m​u​n​ity