Vladimir Film Festival

Pico & Pala (Pick and Shovel)

Fažana / MMC FAŽANA / 22 / 9 / 2024 / 16:00 / Film

Pico & Pala (‘pick and shovel’) is a Span­ish expres­sion that evokes hard work. So, this a doc­u­ment­ary about hard-work­ing people and the places they have cre­ated along the years. A ret­ro­spect­ive story on some of the most influ­en­tial DIY’s in Spain and the people behind them, mostly work­ing for the sake of love and under the shad­ows. They are not only cre­at­ing skate­able places, but fully func­tion­al com­munit­ies that wel­comes every­body and mod­i­fies the envir­on­ment around them. This a sev­enty-two-minute trib­ute to all of them. To give them a voice and the respect they deserve.

Skate­board­ing and con­crete under the DIY philosophy.

Born in Ten­erife (Canary Islands) on 1992, Dani Millán moved to Bar­celona and began his career as a pro­fes­sion­al film­maker in 2012, nev­er ceas­ing to shoot skate­board­ing. Start­ing in 2015, his interest in doc­u­ment­ar­ies led him to make his first fea­ture film; all of his works claim roots in, and influ­ences from his skate­board­ing background.