New Episode “8:33” from the ‘Jante’ Series by Fritte Söderström
Fritte Söderström has released a new episode in the ‘Jante’ video series titled “8:33.” Shot in the early months of 2024, this episode captures the essence of the landscapes of France and Spain. The title, “8:33,” is a deliberate and straightforward choice, reflecting the video’s runtime and the series’ minimalist approach. In keeping with the ‘Jante’ series’ style, the title lets the content speak for itself without the need for embellishment.
This latest installment features skateboarding talents like Gustav Tønnesen, Filip Almqvist, Tom Snape, Martin Sandberg, Nisse Ingemarsson, Marius Syvanen, Axel Berggren, Victor Campillo, Eric Hedberg, Vincent Huhta, Alex Elfving, Simon Hallberg, and Tyler Surrey.