Vladimir Film Festival

New Epis­ode “8:33” from the ‘Jante’ Series by Fritte Söderström

Brijuni / Tito's cinema / 22 / 9 / 2024 / 21:00 / Film

Fritte Söder­ström has released a new epis­ode in the ‘Jante’ video series titled “8:33.” Shot in the early months of 2024, this epis­ode cap­tures the essence of the land­scapes of France and Spain. The title, “8:33,” is a delib­er­ate and straight­for­ward choice, reflect­ing the video’s runtime and the series’ min­im­al­ist approach. In keep­ing with the ‘Jante’ series’ style, the title lets the con­tent speak for itself without the need for embellishment.

This latest install­ment fea­tures skate­board­ing tal­ents like Gust­av Tøn­nesen, Filip Alm­qv­ist, Tom Snape, Mar­tin Sand­berg, Nisse Inge­marsson, Mari­us Syvan­en, Axel Berggren, Vic­tor Campillo, Eric Hed­berg, Vin­cent Huhta, Alex Elfv­ing, Simon Hall­berg, and Tyler Surrey.