Vladimir Film Festival

Mohammed Zakaria presents Jabbar

Pula / Kino Valli / 21 / 9 / 2024 / 16:00 / Exhibition

In this exhib­i­tion, artist Mohammed Zakaria presents a series of small fig­ur­ines that sym­bol­ize the ordin­ary Palestini­an forced into extraordin­ary cir­cum­stances. Through the fig­ure of the “Mulath­am” (the veiled), Zakaria cap­tures the essence of the every­day Palestini­an who becomes a hero out of neces­sity, not choice. These fig­ur­ines embody the struggle, resi­li­ence, and hope of a people fight­ing for their land and iden­tity, seek­ing only to live a nor­mal life once their cir­cum­stances improve. This work is a trib­ute to the unsung her­oes of Palestine and their relent­less pur­suit of justice and peace.

Here you can read the full presentation.