Vladimir Film Festival

KIX / Bálint Révész, Dávid Mikulán

Pula / Kino Valli / 21 / 9 / 2024 / 20:40 / Film

This urb­an odys­sey begins with a chance meet­ing on the streets of Bud­apest when the two film­makers run into Sanyi, a cha­ris­mat­ic, unruly 8‑year-old who con­stantly tests bound­ar­ies and oscil­lates between child­like inno­cence and a sober out­look that belies his age. Over the course of over a dec­ade, the cam­era cap­tures Sanyi’s grow­ing pains in a cramped, dilap­id­ated apart­ment with barely func­tion­ing par­ents and a baby sister.

Charted by a fiery tem­pera­ment and an inex­plic­able attrac­tion to danger, the course of Sanyi’s life seems pre­de­ter­mined as he hurtles toward a dark future.

Filmed in the spir­it of Cinema Ver­ité, this grip­ping and gritty doc will have you on the edge of your seat from Sanyi’s first break­neck-speed skate­board ride to his inev­it­able plum­met down the rough roads of adulthood.