Vladimir Film Festival

Keep it Gucci

Kasarna DIY

Build­ing a bar in Kas­arna is not just about cre­at­ing a place to drink — it’s about craft­ing a social hub that reflects the unique atmo­sphere and his­tory of this space. Kas­arna, often known for its rich cul­tur­al and punk his­tor­ic­al sig­ni­fic­ance, offers the oppor­tun­ity to blend rus­tic charm with con­tem­por­ary skate­board­ing functionality.


The idea behind the bar is to focus on cre­at­ing a space that respects the ori­gin­al archi­tec­ture and mil­it­ary feel of Kas­arna. Exposed brick walls, repur­posed wood, and met­al fix­tures can evoke a sense of raw, authen­t­ic design. The interi­or with a blend of loc­al crafts­man­ship and mod­ern design, com­bin­ing com­fort with a nod to the building’s past.


  • Lay­out: Keep­ing it open and flex­ible, encour­aging flow between dif­fer­ent zones for social­iz­ing. Incor­por­ate cozy nooks and com­mun­al seat­ing to cater to dif­fer­ent guest experiences.
  • Bar Counter: Built from reclaimed mater­i­als, with a pol­ished, clean fin­ish that blends mod­ern and rus­tic, act­ing as the centerpiece.
  • Light­ing: Subtle and warm, using vin­tage fix­tures or indus­tri­al-style lights to cre­ate an invit­ing ambiance.
  • Art & Decor: Walls could fea­ture rotat­ing exhib­i­tions from loc­al artists, while old pho­to­graphs, zines, and mem­or­ab­il­ia from Kas­arna’s his­tory serve as a per­man­ent fixture.

Gol­man Drinks Menu

The drinks menu reflects loc­al tastes while offer­ing some­thing dif­fer­ent. Lager beers from nearby dis­trib­ut­ors, unique cock­tails, and loc­al spir­its cre­ate a sense of place.

Com­munity & Events

The bar serves as a place where the loc­al com­munity feels wel­come, offer­ing more than just a place to have a drink. Think pop-up events, live music, art show­cases, long skate trivia nights, and even work­shops that turn the bar into a dynam­ic, ever-evolving space.

In essence, a bar in Kas­arna is about more than con­struc­tion — it’s about cre­at­ing a cul­tur­al meet­ing point where people come togeth­er to enjoy the past, present, and future of this space.

Keep it Gucci