Vladimir Film Festival

Kas­arna clos­ing party

Fažana / Kasarna / 22 / 9 / 2024 / 23:30 / Event

Len­ka aka Radio Romansa is driv­en by curi­os­ity most of the time. She fol­lows where her senses lead her. One of the roads she chose is explor­ing music and its socio-demo­graph­ic aspects. After fin­ish­ing the music school where she learnt to play piano as a child, in her adoles­cent years she brings back her interest in music in the form of explor­ing vari­ous genres related to socio-geo­graph­ic­al aspects, with an accent on Roma cul­ture in the Balkans. As a res­ult, she likes to share her find­ings through fun sets with a goal to make you dance.

NSD Takeover — A bunch of thursky NSD DJ’s tak­ing over the clos­ing party — No Soft Drinks