Vladimir Film Festival

Ideal Hus­band / Jim Craven

Fažana / Riva / 19 / 9 / 2024 / 17:00 / Exhibition

In late August I was aler­ted to the exist­ence of this very unique obstacle, nestled away in the court­yard of an old stately home in cent­ral Copen­ha­gen. Is served as the stage and back­drop to a sum­mer-long out­door play, Oscar Wilde’s “An Ideal Hus­band”. Set in 1895, and the stage is an inter­pret­a­tion of a style of hand­held fan com­monly used in the play. After some nego­ti­ations and some forms being signed, we were giv­en a two hour win­dow to skate this unique obstacle before it was des­troyed, all whilst dodging work­ers already dis­mant­ling the space.

Jim is a Brit­ish film­maker and pho­to­graph­er based in Copen­ha­gen, Den­mark. His focus is on unique and unseen skate spots and loc­a­tions, often found via satel­lite and oth­er extens­ive research.

Sceno­graphy by Pet­ruska Miehe-Renard for Grøn­negårds Theatre.