Vladimir Film Festival

Har­manem / Spot­Store & Dark­slide Skateshop

Fažana / Main square / 19 / 09 / 2024 / 22:00 h Film

Mem­bers of Dark­slide Skateshop left Prague’s Cirkus and met with their friends from Spot­Store at Brno’s Hotel Grand. Togeth­er as one, they headed towards Hun­gary for their inev­it­able adven­ture. These two skate shops have always lived remark­ably sim­il­ar lives, so it was only a mat­ter of time before they joined forces and set off togeth­er. As a group of nine­teen people, they vis­ited less­er-known Hun­gari­an cit­ies such as Győr, Szeged, Pécs, and Balatonfüred.

Feau­tur­ing: Adam Križovenský, Adam Löfler, Alex Rajna, Igor Hanečák, Jan Šimša, Pepa Košťál, Simon Bareš, Štěpán Bareš, Tomáš Císař, Tomáš Javůrek, Tonda Záhorka, Vašek Stavárek, Zbyn­ěk Blahutka, Marek Lovás, Mar­tin Hřivna, Bor­is Jam­brich, Vojtěch Freit­ag, Zdeněk Ustohal, Joachim Král.