Vladimir Film Festival

Fried­jof Feye: A Float­ing City

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 19:00 / Exhibition

Fried­jof Feye: Cap­tur­ing the Soul of Skateboarding

Fried­jof Feye, a 36-year-old photo artist from Han­over, Ger­many, has spent the past 15 years doc­u­ment­ing the world of skate­board­ing through his lens. His pas­sion for skate­board­ing pho­to­graphy began along­side his own skate­board­ing jour­ney, lead­ing him to pub­lish his work in both Ger­man and inter­na­tion­al magazines, as well as to cre­ate and dis­trib­ute his own zines. Feye is known for work­ing inde­pend­ently of brands, often organ­iz­ing his own trips to bring his cre­at­ive ideas to life. Bey­ond skate­board­ing, he enjoys trav­el­ing and cap­tur­ing new places with his ana­log cameras.

“A Float­ing City” is an exhib­i­tion inspired by both the adven­ture nov­els of Jules Verne and the skate film series by Jonath­an Peters, which focused on the streets of Ber­lin. This doc­u­ment­ary-style pro­ject fol­lows a diverse crew of six skaters from dif­fer­ent coun­tries as they nav­ig­ate Ber­lin on bikes. Des­pite the chal­lenges of end­less bike rides, injur­ies, and even sun­stroke, Feye cap­tures the essence of this har­mo­ni­ous and ego-free col­lect­ive. The exhib­i­tion fea­tures skaters like Aleksi Suovaara, Quentin Boil­lon, Car­o­lina Gam­boa, Gab­ri­el Bjors­vik, Daniel Pan­nemann, and Sebasti­aan Vij­ver­berg, offer­ing a visu­al nar­rat­ive of their jour­ney through the vibrant streets of Berlin