Vladimir Film Festival

Fall­ing Out Of Sum­mer / Irene Schweizer

Fažana / Main square / 19 / 9 / 2024 / 20:20 / Film

FALLING OUT OF SUMMER burns a series of 2023 skate trips span­ning from Italy to Spain, cross­ing the Swiss and the French Alps onto Super 8 50D film and fea­tures an all-female skate­boarder cast com­pris­ing Livia Tan­no, Lena Müller, Leandra Müller, Florence Züger, Dorothe Wet­ter, Tamara Kobel, Irene Sch­weizer and Tristan Schumacher.

The film blends the flow of skate­board­ing with the fad­ing warmth of sum­mer, cre­at­ing a visu­ally poet­ic journey.

The cam­er­a­work is by Irene Sch­weizer and Tony Vyshnyakova, the edit­ing and sound design also by Irene, and the soundtrack by Angus MacRae.