Vladimir Film Festival

Skat­ing the North­ern Coun­tryside by Tim Smith

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 19:00 / Exhibition

Join us for an exhib­i­tion by a Brit­ish pho­to­graph­er who has spent the past dec­ade cap­tur­ing the inter­sec­tion of skate­board­ing and the rur­al land­scapes of North­ern Eng­land. Work­ing with the Mash Life crew, this selec­tion of images takes you through less­er-known streets, coun­try lanes, and water­ways, where skate­board­ing finds a unique home.

This ongo­ing pro­ject explores the unlikely rela­tion­ship between skat­ing and nature. As the say­ing goes, “the spot is half the trick… but find­ing it is a dif­fer­ent story.”

Don’t miss this fresh per­spect­ive on skat­ing cul­ture! Stay tuned for dates and details.