Vladimir Film Festival

Dorman – The Skater’s Ser­vant in Vjekoslav Moscatello’s New Comic

01 / 09 / 2024 / Story

Front cov­er of the first issue

Meet Door­man, the cent­ral fig­ure in Vjekoslav Moscatello’s new com­ic, where skate­board­ing takes cen­ter stage. Door­man is a silent but cru­cial char­ac­ter, ded­ic­ated to serving skaters. Wheth­er it’s fix­ing spots, offer­ing advice, or just watch­ing over the scene, he’s the unsung hero of the skate­board­ing community.

Door­man cap­tures the gritty, raw essence of skate cul­ture, high­light­ing the unseen efforts that keep it alive. It’s a refresh­ing take on skateboarding’s spir­it, show­cas­ing how even the quietest fig­ures can play a huge role in keep­ing the com­munity rolling.