Vladimir Film Festival

Điže se prašina / Rais­ing dust

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 22:00 / Film

In 2022, Nikita Ko, hav­ing returned to his second home­land: Montenegro, was cut off from the skate com­munity due to the ongo­ing war. There were no loc­al skaters, no skate­parks, and the street spots left much to be desired. In that time of crisis, he retreated to nature. While explor­ing the beauty of the Balkan Pen­in­sula, Nikita real­ized how a skate­able envir­on­ment sur­roun­ded him. With the sup­port of his dear friends from the LYC col­lect­ive in Ljubljana, Nikita was able to doc­u­ment this new, uncon­ven­tion­al approach to skateboarding.

The film fol­lows sev­er­al skaters from the region and their attempt of skat­ing the wilderness.