Vladimir Film Festival

Debris by Tom Pickard

Brijuni / Tito's cinema / 22 / 9 / 2024 / 20:00 / Film

A UK skate video pro­ject centered around the rugged, arbit­rary street spots that the South East has to offer, DEBRIS pushes the adven­tur­ous side of skate­board­ing; search­ing for hid­den gems, find­ing rel­ics of bygone eras, excav­at­ing spots and col­lect­ing stor­ies and memor­ies along the way. Gath­er­ing skate­boarders from dif­fer­ent towns and gen­er­a­tions, this video show­cases the ones that will nev­er grow weary of our crusty hab­it­at. Fea­tur­ing Sam Allis­on, Sonny Wright, Sid Pres­tedge, Mike Nicolls, Matt Ransom, Jordan Marow­itch, Al Hodg­son and Chris Collins. A video by Tom Pickard.