Vladimir Film Festival

Curved Uni­verse / Mike Mag

Brijuni / Tito's cinema / 22 / 9 / 2024 / 20:40 / Film

The new­est chapter of Mike Mag’s series of guer­rilla style video parts, CURVED UNIVERSE, is an explor­a­tion of the nat­ur­al forms that make up this crazy world we live in. The whole uni­verse is made of curves. Inspired by a quote by famed Brazili­an archi­tect Oscar Niemey­er, this VX-1000 adven­ture takes us from Mike’s homet­own of Rio de Janeiro, to the magic­al island of Flori­an­o­pol­is, into the heart of the Amazon Rain­forest, and all over South Amer­ica. Fea­tur­ing skat­ing from Mike Mag, CPT­Mafia, the Magenta team, and tons of friends along the way.