Vladimir Film Festival

Book­ing: Hol­lis Hamp­ton Jones

Fažana / Riva / 19-20 / 9 / 2024 / 17:00 / Talk

Explor­ing the World on Wheels: Hol­lis Hamp­ton Jones and Her New Short Story Col­lec­tion “Spin­nings”

Hol­lis Hamp­ton Jones, author of the acclaimed nov­els Vicious Spring and Comes the Night, is about to take read­ers on an exhil­ar­at­ing new jour­ney. Liv­ing in Par­is, France, Jones nur­tures a unique dream: to be a teen­age boy skat­ing around the world. This dream has fueled her ima­gin­a­tion, lead­ing to the cre­ation of her latest work, Spin­nings—a vibrant col­lec­tion of short stor­ies that brings this fantasy to life.

Spin­nings isn’t just a col­lec­tion of tales; it’s a cel­eb­ra­tion of free­dom, youth, and the diverse cul­tures of the cit­ies each skater vis­its. Each story is nar­rated from the per­spect­ive of a skater glid­ing through a dif­fer­ent city, cap­tur­ing the spir­it and energy of places like Fažana, Croa­tia, among others.

Launch­ing soon at Vladi­mir, Spin­nings prom­ises to be a unique lit­er­ary exper­i­ence. For fans of Jones’s pre­vi­ous work, and for any­one who has ever dreamed of explor­ing the world on wheels, this col­lec­tion is not to be missed.

Please apply here for unique book launch! For group book­ings, please add mul­tiple emails in one form.