Vladimir Film Festival

All Day & All Night — Javi­er Varil­las & Tom Critchley

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 20:00 Film

While skate­board­ing often is artic­u­lated as a coun­ter­point to both cap­it­al­ism and main­stream soci­ety, we per­haps demon­strate sim­il­arly bizarre and ritu­al­ist­ic beha­viours more so than we care to believe. This video essay, col­laged with skate­board­ing and B‑roll foot­age filmed in Lon­don, explores the sim­il­ar­it­ies between skate­boarders and the soci­ety their cul­ture often seeks to resist.

Examin­ing these sim­il­ar­it­ies, pin­point­ing con­ver­gences and diver­gences, the video ulti­mately seeks to explore the over­all strangle­hold of mod­ern life and often observe futile attempts to escape soci­et­al norms.