Vladimir Film Festival

A Glimpse Into Our DIY Skate­park Jour­ney: New Fan­zine Release

Vodnjan / Astra / 20 / 9 / 2024 / 19:00 / Story

In 2022, while deliv­er­ing mater­i­als for our pro­ject, a new secur­ity guard stopped us, puzzled, and asked, “What are you doing?” We explained that we were build­ing a skate­park under the bridge. After a pause, he replied, “Well, I need to write some­thing down. Those are the rules.” Nev­er hav­ing been asked this before, we were at a loss. Then, with con­fid­ence, he declared, “I’ll write down ‘bridge restoration.’ ”

This moment cap­tures the essence of our fan­zine, which is deeply rooted in the pat­terns and tex­tures of DIY cul­ture. Every graph­ic in the fan­zine incor­por­ates frag­ments of mater­i­als like blocks, debris, and con­crete, reflect­ing the raw spir­it of our project.

The fan­zine also fea­tures pho­to­graphs of two bridges — Branko’s Bridge and King Alex­an­der­’s Bridge — cap­tured at dif­fer­ent stages and times. These bridges, and the uncer­tain fate of our DIY pro­ject beneath them, tell a story of his­tory and perseverance.

Pub­lished in col­lab­or­a­tion with Sam­it Nes­vrstanih, Mat­ri­jaršija, and Prov­ins, with sup­port from the CHPO brand, this fan­zine is the most intric­ate pro­ject we’ve under­taken. Com­bin­ing 2/3 riso­graph and 1/3 silk­screen print­ing, it reflects the rela­tion­ship between the his­tory of the bridge and our efforts beneath it.

We’re excited to share this unique pub­lic­a­tion with you, as it cap­tures the essence of our jour­ney and the DIY spir­it that drives us.