Vladimir Film Festival

Yoan Tail­lan­d­i­er at Kino Valli

Pula / Valli cinema / 19 / 9 / 2015 / Exhibition

The man behind the Minu­it audi­ovisu­al, Yoan Tail­lan­d­i­er, cine­ma­to­graph­er and pho­to­graph­er, will exhib­it his works at the inter­na­tion­al photo exhib­i­tion in Kino Valli, Pula, on Sat­urday 19. 09. He is def­in­itely anoth­er one of our favour­ite artists and finally we have the oppor­tun­ity to wel­come him here to Istria!

Be sure to be there at 19:00 and meet all the artists, before the pro­gram cul­min­ates with video pro­jec­tions and the Car­din­al after party!