Vladimir Film Festival

Ye Olde Destruction

Fažana / Brijuni / 29 / 9 / 2019 / Film

For the last 7 years artist and film­maker Thomas Camp­bell has been mak­ing a self fun­ded skate­board­ing movie, mainly shot on 16mm film titled Ye Olde Destruc­tion. The video comes with a sol­id grip of shred­ders build­ing and skat­ing DIY spots, some street action, pools, and oth­er stuff.

It’s really about cap­tur­ing ses­sions and the move­ment of the life and hap­pen­ings in these situations.

Camp­bell has enlis­ted an A list team of lens­men to help him cap­ture the motion pic­ture scen­ari­os and shred­dings — French Fred, Jon Miner, Mike Man­zoori and Con­nor Wyse among oth­ers. The film also embod­ies and unveils the inter web of a com­munity, a com­munity of out­laws non­ethe­less, but a community.

Fea­tur­ing skaters: Evan Smith, Jon Dick­son, Jason Adams, Rick Mccrank, Max Schaaf, Caswell Berry, Brent Atch­ley, Ellisa Steam­er, Ray Bar­bee, Al Partan­en, Omar Salaz­ar, Jack­son Pilz and many many more.

The film screen­ing is sup­por­ted with a live soundtrack play­ing at the spot by Sergej Vutuc, Nen­ad Sinkauz and Miodrag Gladović (Jomi Ajjomi).

We are enjo­ing this treat on Sunday 29th at the Brijuni island.