Vladimir Film Festival

Writ­ing Towards Well-Being

Fažana / Kasarna / 20 / 09 / 2023 / Event

Writ­ing Towards Well-Being is a pro­gram of work­shops launched by Sam Buchan-Watts and the Ben Rae­mers Found­a­tion in 2023. Through group dis­cus­sion and writ­ing exer­cises the ses­sions reflect on the ways in which the lit­er­at­ure of skate­board­ing might be redir­ec­ted towards dif­fi­cult con­ver­sa­tions around men­tal health. Pre­vi­ous guests include Bri­an Ander­son, John Gard­ner and Dani Abul­hawa. Join Sam and guests at pop up sites around the fest­iv­al for work­shops this year.

Sam Buchan-Watts is a writer and poet. Pub­lic­a­tions include Faber New Poets 15 and Path Through Wood. His writ­ing for skate­board­ing includes a crit­ic­al intro­duc­tion for Lev Tanju’s Palace Product Descrip­tions: The Select­ive Archive (Phaidon, 2023) and a poem on Slam City Skates for Rough Trade. He is work­ing on a book about skate­board­ing and masculinity.

Sev­er­al work­shops will take place at Vladi­mir, each centred on a dif­fer­ent form of writ­ing spe­cif­ic to skate cul­ture (like writ­ing for film, journ­alling and zine-mak­ing). Guests will include Cole Nowicki and oth­ers. Please register your interest here and we will send details near­er the time.