Vladimir Film Festival

Will Jiv­coff at the Cva­jn­er gallery

Pula / Cvajner gallery / 29 / 9 / 2018 / Exhibition

Ori­gin­ally from Toronto, Canada, Will Jiv­coff is a pho­to­graph­er based in Ber­lin, Ger­many who takes a doc­u­ment­ary approach to his work. He’s a co-founder of Medi­um Skate­board Magazine.

I love to cap­ture genu­ine moments between people through por­trait­ure and takes great interest in the Middle East, Rus­sia, geo­pol­it­ics and human rights.

Insha’Allah is a photo essay that explores Moroc­can cul­ture through the lens of skate­board­ing and is a staple phrase in every­day life there. An Islam­ic coun­try on the north­ern tip of Africa, Morocco is one of the more lib­er­al states in the Muslim world and con­sidered unique from oth­er Afric­an countries.

If you don’t want to miss this inter­est­ing photo exhib­i­tion check it out on Sat­urday 29th at the Cva­jn­er gal­lery in Pula.