Vladimir Film Festival

Wiehler Gobelin x Vladimir

Pula / La Resistance bar / 24 / 9 / 2022 / Event

“Embroid­er­ing Gobelin-Tapestries is as pop­u­lar as ever”, as it says in the instruc­tions. “And now to the real embroid­ery tech­nique. The Gobelin-Stitch is stitched with four-ply twist. Each square on the pat­tern stands for doing two stitches next to each oth­er across two threads of can­vas above… When using Gobelin-Stitch, the twist on the back of the embroid­ery should be slightly slanting”.What the heck are we here at Vladi­mir 2022 talk­ing about? Is tapestry art the next big thing in skate­board­ing? And what does it have to do with pheas­ants? Soon you will know, and you too will be able to sport a bit of the new­est poten­tial trend whose roots are deep here in South-East­ern Europe, espe­cially former Yugoslavia.

Sat­urday night (24/9/22) we’re all in for a treat at La Res­ist­ance bar and cafe in Pula. Ima­gine, a bar dir­ectly across the street from the upper side of the coli­seum in Pula, cozy seats on the side­walk, a smooth atmo­sphere, nor­mally you’d call that heav­en. But even heav­en can be improved upon. 

A size­able col­lec­tion of Wiehler Gobelin needle-stitches, pristine con­di­tion, framed, a true mar­vel of the beauty of the times we live in.

The exhib­i­tion will be ongo­ing even after the fest­iv­al but don’t miss it Sat­urday night as Pat­rik Wall­ner­’s present­a­tion will be in a con­nec­ted space fol­low­ing a few drinks at the bar that even­ing. As Sir Elton John said, “Sat­urday night’s the night I like, want to get a belly full of beer” or some­thing like that.