Vladimir Film Festival

What oth­ers see far, I leave behind

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Exhibition

For the open­ing of the fest­iv­al, we pre­pared a group exhib­i­tion titled What oth­ers see far, I leave behind and it opens at the Brijuni hotel on Thursday 26th of Septem­ber start­ing from 7pm. From dif­fer­ent parts of the world, we have works by sev­en artists: Tom Deli­on, Peter Fet­tich, Janne Gar­bow­ski, Jordan Hill, Bri­an LottiRicardo Napoli, and Pete Thompson.

The sound of the dis­tance is loud and even though you don’t hear it, you feel it. Every time you miss some­body, every time you ache to go some­where. You feel it in these images and you can hear it roar.