Vladimir Film Festival


Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 27 / 9 / 2018 / Film

Waltz is a short skate­board­ing film done by Spen­cer Lege­bokoff look­ing through the lens of fin­esse, quick feet, and style- opposed to hefty drops and massive rails. It looks to loosely par­al­lel skate­board­ing to forms of dance by fol­low­ing a mainly untra­di­tion­al soundtrack graced by the genre of jazz, while still retain­ing the clas­sic skate-film feel and it explores the moods of skat­ing at all times of the day- wheth­er it be a sunny after­noon or a late-night lurk.

You can catch this pro­jec­tion on Thursday 27th at the Bri­oni hotel in Fažana from 20 h.

Filmed almost entirely in the West Kootenay region of BC Canada, no cobble­stone, gran­ite, or marble is in sight- spots are few and far between, rough, and require much more of a hustle to skate. “Waltz” looks to accen­tu­ate and beau­ti­fy skate­board­ing as indi­vidu­als manip­u­late and move through space in ways that are grace­ful and organic.