Vladimir Film Festival

VX Shin­ner + POAP Hunt

Fažana / 16 - 19 / 9 / 2021 / Event

A POAP (Proof of Attend­ance Protocol)is a digit­al col­lect­ible (token), known as Non Fun­gible Tokens (NFT). POAP badges have cer­tain fea­tures that when grouped togeth­er with oth­er POAP tokens cre­ate a col­lec­tion. That col­lec­tion can only belong to a par­tic­u­lar human. It is a new way of keep­ing a reli­able record of life experiences.

A POAP col­lec­tion is hence a digit­al rep­res­ent­a­tion of a human indi­vidu­al that doesn’t rely on any typ­ic­al per­son­al iden­ti­fi­able inform­a­tion (PII) like names, gender, nation­al­ity much less pass­port num­bers. More at Poap web­site (To view your POAPs on your device, down­load the PAOP wallet).

To mark the offi­cial tenth edi­tion of Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al, we have cre­ated a spe­cial crypto-badge that will stand the test of time long after we all die. It will live inside our crypto-wal­lets till the end of the internet.

To col­lect it, you will need an Eth­ereum wal­let. If you are new to crypto, you can start by cre­at­ing a wal­let with MetaMask.

MetaMask requires that you store your seed phrase in a safe place. It is the only way to recov­er your hold­ings should your device crash or your browser reset. We recom­mend you to write it down. The most com­mon meth­od is to write your 12-word phrase on a piece of paper and store it safely in a place where only you have access. Note: if you lose your seed phrase, MetaMask can’t help you recov­er your wal­let. Nev­er give your seed phrase or your private key(s) to any­one or any site, unless you want them to have full con­trol over your funds. (MetaMask stores the seed phrase, pass­words, and private keys in an encryp­ted format loc­ally on the device where it’s installed, which still makes such wal­let vul­ner­able to pos­sible attacks).

Now you are ready for the POAP hunt! But to start it, you’ll need to down­load anoth­er app, a skate app, from our friend Yuga, made to explore the world of skate­board­ing: Shin­ner app.

With all these new apps, all you have to do is find the skate spots in Fažana through the Shin­ner app, hit them and search for spe­cial mini-posters of the fest­iv­al with QR codes. As you can claim the PAOP badge only once, you don’t need to con­tin­ue the hunt after you find the first QR. Keep your wal­lets and your badges safe, as we have mind-blow­ing plans for our future events, that will be avail­able only to the POAP hold­ers! There is a POAP badge for every vis­it­or of the fest­iv­al, it’s only up to you will you col­lect it!