Vladimir Film Festival


Fažana / 16 - 19 / 9 / 2021 / Program

Photo Joel Peck

10th edi­tion of Vladi­mir is here! The pro­gram is set from 16th to 19th Septem­ber at some old and some new loc­a­tions. Last years edi­tion was sup­posed to be the VX (Vladi­mir 10) but we all know what hap­pend, the world was broken and we held a two day event, half of Vladi­mir, the 9 and a half.

16 / 9 / Thursday /

  1. Skate park 4 reopens event Šenoa x Tonbe Kas­arna (back­yard)16:00
  2. Skate mar­ket in the woods event Samo Šenoa, Simple, Palo­mino, Lolo art, Marko Zubak, Žene crew, Dumb… Kas­arna (back­yard)16:00
  3. Noc­turnup photo exhib­i­tion photo James Grif­fiths Kas­arna 17:00
  4. Art bench photo com­pet­i­tion story Oleg Morović Fažana beach 16 — 19 / 9
  5. Shin­ner + POAP Hunt event Marko Zubak Fažana, Bar­bar­iga16 — 19 / 9
  6. Nevolja film Hrvo­je Zubović Kas­arna (back­yard) 20:00
  7. (out)Performance film Javi­er Varil­las Kas­arna (back­yard) 20:30
  8. Vel­vet film Spen­cer Lebebokoff Kas­arna (back­yard) 20:50
  9. The Saudade Express film Michael Magal­haes Kas­arna (back­yard) 21:00
  10. Cvat na polu­ostrvu His­tria film PRVNS Kas­arna (back­yard) 21:10
  11. Bom­bastik Euro 2021 film Patri­cio Valdes, Josef Kostal Kas­arna (back­yard) 21:20
  12. Блян (Bly­an) film Vitosha skate­boards Kas­arna (back­yard) 21:30
  13. Noc­turnup film Nick Richards Kas­arna (back­yard) 21:50
  14. Malmö City X film Jac­ob Carls­son Kas­arna (back­yard) 22:00
  15. Samurai Safari film Dumb skate­boards Kas­arna (back­yard) 22:20
  16. Kas­arna back­yard event Toni DiscoKas­arna (back­yard)23:00

17 / 9 / Friday /

  1. Three stor­ies book talk Hol­lis Hamp­ton Jones Fort Forno17:00
  2. The most fun thing book talk Kyle Beachy Fort Forno18:00
  3. Kün­sten­fort 1904 photo VA Fort Forno 19:00
  4. Steph­en Fox: The Motion Pic­ture film Jack­son Dav­is Fort Forno 20:00
  5. Boldrider the movie film Leon Zuodar Fort Forno 20:20
  6. Dichiarazione di un Dato di Fatto: Incompi­uto film Ale For­menti, Mauro Caruso Fort Forno 20:40
  7. Quick­sand film Raul Žgomba Fort Forno 21:00
  8. Short Bus 2film Josh “Pizza Box” Han­cock Fort Forno 21:30
  9. Love­let­ters film Six Stairs Fort Forno 22:00
  10. Fort after party event Skate DJ’s Fort Forno 23:00

18 / 9 / Saturday /

  1. Dolores photo Asi­planchaba Cinema Valli 18:00
  2. How poles become white film Tino Buch­holz Cinema Valli 19:00
  3. Desert Dogs film Samuel Mor­ris Cinema Valli 20:30
  4. All the streets are silent film Jeremy Elkin Cinema Valli 21:00
  5. Faces of Mod­esto film Rick Charnoski Rojc 23:00
  6. Rojc punk gig event Monte­paradiso Rojc 23:00

19 / 9 / Sunday /

  1. Brijuni boat ride info Boat Veli Brijun Fažana main pier 18:00
  2. Revolu­tions on Gran­itefilm Bren­dean Gil­li­am, Peter Con­o­pask Tito’s open-air cinema 20:00
  3. Six stair – An Evol­u­tion in Film­mak­ing film Rick Charnoski Tito’s open-air cinema 20:40
  4. Fažana boat ride info Boat Veli Brijun Brijuni main pier 23:00
  5. Vladi­mir clos­ing party event DJ Set Kas­arna24:00

20 / 9 / Monday / off program

  1. Skate quiz event Marko Zubak, Filip Tenšek Black Lady 20:00