Vladimir Film Festival

Vladi­mir documentary

25 / 12 / 2017 / Story

Vladi­mir film fest­iv­al doc­u­ment­ary filmed and edited by our dear friend Aymer­ic Nocus. There is noth­ing more to add that has not been said in the film. Enjoy!

VLADIMIR from LIVE skate­board media on Vimeo.

Vladi­mir is now a cru­cially fed­er­at­ing event, abol­ish­ing geo­graph­ic­al and polit­ic­al bor­ders for a moment just long enough for as many skate­board­ing enthu­si­asts as pos­sible to share ener­gies by the means of under­ground skate video premi­eres, doc­u­ment­ary screen­ings or vari­ous types of per­form­ance shows and exhib­i­tions in — more often than not — odd loc­a­tions in a region best described as lost in, if not com­pletely out of, time.