Vladimir Film Festival

Vladi­mir at Isola

Isola / 1 / 5 / 2017 / Story

The last year’s Vladi­mir photo exhib­i­tion was presen­ted in Isola, Slov­e­nia as part of the Kino Otok film fest­iv­al with the works of Kuba BączkowskiJoel Peck, and Richard West filling up the walls of Salsaverde gal­lery.

The open­ing was fol­lowed by the sur­prise cook­ing of the gastro king him­self Tibor Rep aka REPeat on what we are etern­ally grate­ful and also, big thanks to Edi Miandrušič for invit­ing us to be a part of the Kino Otok festival.