Vladimir Film Festival

Vladi­mir 2023

20 - 25 / 9 / 2023 Program

Vladi­mir 2023 poster

This is the 12th edi­tion of Vladi­mir but the fest­iv­al actu­ally runs for 13th years now (there was just half fest­iv­al one year so it does­n’t count). So what we got cook­ing for you this year? Pilchards my friends! And maybe some skate videos. Take a look down below:

20 / 9 / Wed­nes­day / Day 0

  1. Linocut work­shop event Igor Hanečák Kas­arna 17:00
  2. Writ­ing Towards Well-Being event Sam Buchan-Watts Pop-up 20 – 24/9
  3. Made in Fažana photo exhib­i­tion Loc­als Kas­arna 17:00
  4. Play­ground photo exhib­i­tion Hsin Jan Chao Pavil­jon 3 17:00
  5. Flute film SOLO Skate Mag Kas­arna 21:00
  6. Orange Man’s Deluded Day Dream film Orange Man Kas­arna21:20

21 / 9 / Thursday /

  1. Skate mar­ket event Vari­ous brands Riva 17:00
  2. Teška Vodafilm Gor­an Ber­ić Main square 20:00
  3. Mon­stro De Tokyo film Remi Luciani Main square 20:30
  4. Bosna Eks­pres film LYC, Želve, Mark Pogačar Nikolić Main square 20:50
  5. The Land of the Long White Cloud film Javi­er Varil­las Main square 21:00
  6. Bas­ura film Ron­coni Ludovico Main square 21:10
  7. Peri­phery film Al Hodg­son Main square 21:20
  8. Grushögfilm Markus Bengts­son Main square 21:30
  9. The Balt­ic Con­nec­tion film Linda Linden­berga Main square 21:40
  10. Two dec­ades unwrapped: A radio­spect­ive film Radio Skate­boards Main square 22:00
  11. Rem­nant Sale film Orange Man & Sar­it Main square 22:30
  12. Kas­arna after party event Rinoma & FreshKas­arna 23:00

22 / 9 / Friday /

  1. Right, Down + Circle book talk Cole Nowicki Astra 18:00
  2. Rib­nik DIY 10 let book talk Rib­nik Astra18:00
  3. Rib­nik DIY 10 let photo Rib­nik Astra 19:00
  4. Magenta photo Soy Panday Astra 19:00
  5. Photo exhib­i­tion photo Clé­ment Harpil­lard Astra 19:00
  6. Arhiva photo Michel Mesar­ić Astra 19:00
  7. Super Lon­don film Phil Evans Astra 19:00
  8. The Skate­book film Sofia Negri Astra 20:00
  9. Evol Reb: Sorry Babe, I’m Late film Enrico Ziwes Astra 20:10
  10. When You’ve Seen Malmö, You’ve Seen The World film Dylan Flucher Astra 20:30
  11. Passing Places film Joseph Allen Astra 21:10
  12. Instinct film Michel Mesar­ić Astra 21:30
  13. Bru­talista film Magenta Skate­boards Astra 22:00
  14. Turbo Cirkus film Marek Lovás Astra 22:20
  15. Stat­ic VI film Josh Stew­art Astra 22:40
  16. Punk gig event  Agregat / Fon­jatura / Stronz­ette Astra 23:30

23 / 9 / Saturday /

  1. Esen­ciafilm Boromir Bogumil Kino Valli 16:00
  2. Com­ic book photo Liz­zie Heath Kino Valli 17:00
  3. Pan­el of the Grey Spaces of Skate­board­ing event Skate­board­ing in the Anthro­po­cene Kino Valli 17:00
  4. Quar­ter­snacks Favor­ite Spot Screen­ing event Far­ran Gold­ing Kino Valli 18:30
  5. Celebrity Club film Sylvain Robineau Kino Valli 20:00
  6. Sig­urno Mjesto / Safe Place film Juraj Ler­otić Kino Valli 20:15
  7. The World Isn’t Fin­ished Yet, Is It? photo Jocko Wey­land ECPD Pula 23:00

24 / 9 / Sunday /

  1. Boat ride to Brijuniinfo Fažana — BrijuniMain pier Fažana18:00
  2. Titim Isteach film Philip Halton Tito’s open-air cinema 20:00
  3. Novo Spo­men film Fotta 7 Tito’s open-air cinema 21:20
  4. Skate­film film Gosha Kony­shev Tito’s open-air cinema 20:40
  5. Times­can 2 film Rob Taro Tito’s open-air cinema 21:00
  6. Boat ride back to Fažanainfo Brijuni — Fažana Main pier Brijuni23:00
  7. Vladi­mir clos­ing party event Karaoke & Ter­asa band Kas­arna23:30

25 / 9 / Monday / off program

  1. Skate pub quiz event Marko Zubak & Brett Nich­ols Kas­arna 20:00