Vladimir Film Festival

Vil­la­gers chapter #3

Fažana / Main square / 22 / 9 / 2022 / Film

Via his Vil­la­gers series of edit under the guise of Orwellian World Land­scape, Al Hodg­son chron­icles camp and skate trips across rur­al and less­er rep­res­en­ted areas of the U.K., allow­ing for some­times exper­i­ment­al, some­times pristine VX-1000 video doc­u­ment­a­tion of the most unique and loc­al spots those regions per­sist to retain in spite of, and thanks to escap­ing main­stream focus. This third chapter, pro­duced for Vague Skate Mag, fea­tures the city of Southamp­ton and the county of Dor­set, as well as skate­boarders Har­ris­on Wool­gar, Dan Fish­er-Eus­tance, Michael Tarry, Cal Dawson, J.P. Arnold, Alfie Sex­ton, Al Hodg­son, Jac­ob Malt and Darwin.

Fol­low­ing their pri­or excur­sions to the most West­erly and East­erly points of the U.K., this edit doc­u­ments a trip South and along the Solent and Dor­set coast to the Isle of Port­land; vis­it­ing the rugged and unique ter­rain these areas have to offer.