Vladimir Film Festival

VFF Skate Quiz night 2022

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2022 / Event

The con­clu­sion of the fest­iv­al fea­tures now tra­di­tion­al Skate quiz at Black Lady’s. As it was cre­ated by Marko Zubak you know there will be some NFT-block­chain-crypto-wal­let lan­guage involved but that also means great prizes!

Last year we intro­duced NFTs into the Vladi­mir Film Fest­iv­al and cre­ated our own store on Near block­chi­an using Mint­base: Vis­it store. This year we con­tin­ue deliv­er­ing the most valu­able Skate Quiz rewards in the Skate­verse! As NFTs will be token­ized on the Near block­chain,  we strongly encour­age you to come pre­pared with your Near crypto wal­lets! You can set your wal­let here: wal​let​.near​.org First three win­ning teams will get the exclus­ive VFF ultra-rare NFT edi­tions, min­ted just for them!