Vladimir Film Festival

VFF 2015 fol­low up

28 / 9 / 2015 / Story

We have finally pos­ted the fol­low up of the events that took place on the 5th edi­tion of the Vladi­mir skate film fest­iv­al. Everything you want to know about VFF 2015 check out here!

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Thanks & thanks to all of our friends that helped and sup­por­ted us all the way through. Spe­cial thanks goes to: Henry (& his girl­friend) and Grey magazine for help­ing us with the exhib­i­tion of Grey — five years in print, Richard, Yoan and Will for help­ing out with the set­ting up of the photo exhib­i­tion and to our long time friend Aymer­ic for all of his help through out the years. Also we would like to thank Phil­ippe for join­ing us in per­son to announce his film, Live skate­board media, Minu­it, Grey and Free skate mag for all the media cov­er­age, Konoba Stara Fažana, Kino Valli and galer­ija Cva­jn­er for the ven­ues and also thanks to all of our spon­sors without whom the fest­iv­al could not have been realised.