Vladimir Film Festival

VFF 2015: Ben­jamin Deber­dt / Live skate­board media

Pula / Valli cinema / 19 / 9 / 2015 / Exhibition

Do you remem­ber Le cercle? Well, he is that guy! Along­side with Mark Gonzales he intro­duced the world with the icon­ic skate­board install­a­tion. Pho­to­graph­er, pub­lish­er, edit­or and the founder of sev­er­al skate­board­ing magazines like King­pin, Sug­ar and Pause, Ben­jamin Deber­dt is also the name behind Live skate­board media, our media partner.

It is a pleas­ure to present you Ben­jamin’s work and to inform you that he is going to be our guest here in Fažana on the 5th edi­tion of Vladimir.



“Live happened because it felt like there was some­thing miss­ing in France, and to some extent, on a more glob­al level. Not that my laptop and me have all the answers…”

Quote taken from the inter­view at Bright