Vladimir Film Festival

Vel­vet by Spen­cer Legebokoff

Fažana / Kasarna / 16 / 9 / 2021 / Film

Vel­vet is a skate­board film pro­duced spe­cific­ally for Vladi­mir Film Festival’s 10th anniversary.

Tommy Flem­ing / Photo Spen­cer Legebokoff

Laced in a smooth, sexy, and jazzy aroma, this film treats skate­board­ing as a per­form­ance art opposed to a sport. Vel­vet was filmed over the course of three years, primar­ily in the Kootenay region of BC, Canada, and also fea­tures spots in Vic­tor­ia BC. The motif of roses appears through­out the film to sig­ni­fy the intim­ate rela­tion­ship estab­lished between skaters and the con­crete world.

With con­tri­bu­tions from inde­pend­ent musi­cians and anim­at­ors, Vel­vet also seeks to func­tion as a ded­ic­a­tion to the friend­ships and bonds that skate­board­ing can foster.