Vladimir Film Festival


Ciao by Ricardo Napoli

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Ricardo Napoli’s video Ciao, filmed entirely in New York, is ded­ic­ated to the cre­at­ive minds from the five bor­oughs and across the globe who make this city what it is.

10 years of To Ni Hec video

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Obses­sion 2009, Tomaž Šantl’s To Ni Hec is one of the most influ­en­tial skate videos in Balkan 2000s era.

Krzysztof Godek

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

The idea of this video, titled If You don’t skate — don’t start, was to col­lect the best pos­sible pol­ish foot­age dur­ing 1 year of shoot­ing and focus­ing only on that.

Pan­dora’s box by Luka Pinto

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Pan­dora’s box is volume one of a pro­ject Luka Pinto has been work­ing on titled Crew Report.

Grind­ing the country

Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Grind­ing the coun­try by Olivi­er Lam­bert is a short doc­u­ment­ary about skate­board­ing in a small vil­lage in France.


Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Cot­tono­pol­is is a manchester skate­board scene video by Sean Lomax.


Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Dno is a new video by our Rus­si­an friend’s Absurd skateboards.


Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Reac­tions is made by skate­boarders in Debre­cen and it’s all about the low-key, depres­sion, dis­com­fort, and the com­puls­ive destruc­tion of another­’s joy.

Mockba Life

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

On Fri­day 27th at the Fažana old square Piazza Grande we are watch­ing Mockba Life by Paul Labadie.

You Slid Through

Fažana / Piazza Grande / 27 / 9 / 2019 / Film

You Slid Through is cap­tur­ing the adven­tures of four back seat drivers — each with an impec­cable eye for lane place­ment in left-hand drive vehicles — through the mountainous […]

Skate Nation by Paul Botwid

Pula / Valli cinema / 28 / 9 / 2019 / Film

Stock­holm Skate Nation is work­ing with skate­board­ing as a tool for find­ing a way into society.