Vladimir Film Festival



Brijuni / 27 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Dino Coce video deb­ute on Vladi­mir Film Festival.

Ahlan Wa Sahlan

Brijuni / 27 / 9 / 2020 / Film

7Hills cre­ates an open, demo­crat­ic envir­on­ment for every­one in the city of Amman strug­gling with social bar­ri­ers. It aims to give all chil­dren, youth and par­ents a safe, pub­lic space to skate­board, social­ize, grow and learn.

Treas­ure Island

Brijuni / 27 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Reserve your boat tick­et to Brijuni island and wit­ness skat­ing you have nev­er seen before done by Jan Kliew­er and Michael Mack­rodt and shot by Mr. clean and lovely Guil­laume Perimony.


Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Dumb skate­boards video — bootleg version

Shit pie

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Shit pie is a film by Hana Pišćeveć and Nebojša Resanović.

What you did there was amazing

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Women have always been skate­board­ing, but it is only in the last dec­ade that a woman on a skate­board is no longer only a rare sight.

Вид на Живот 2020

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

With few­er people in the streets, the lock­down made many over­crowded spots skatable.

Sve il ništa vol.4 (promo)

Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

Sun­shine crew from Slavon­ski Brod (Croa­tia) is bring­ing us a small promo for their big 2021 video


Fažana / Kasarna / 26 / 9 / 2020 / Film

We got our friend Vantte Lindevall screen­ing again at Vladi­mir with his new video Utopia.

The Ulti­mate Pess­ert­ive Remix

Fažana / Hotel Brioni / 26 / 9 / 2019 / Film

This video doc­u­mented the skate­board­ing and life of the emer­ging (and genu­ine) Pilsen’s Pess­ert­ive Crew from 2014 to 2016.