Vladimir Film Festival

Twoja Bab­ka

Fažana / Main square / 22 / 9 / 2022 / Film

One of quite the hand­ful hyper­act­ive crews from Poland’s most under­ground skate scene — Youth Skate­boards ori­gin­ally caught our atten­tion via a men­tion as such by loc­al legend and Leef story video author Krzystof Posk­rob­ko in a LIVE Skate­board Media inter­view from a few years back; and now, they’re dir­ectly hit­ting Vladi­mir 2022 with Twoja Bab­ka: lit­er­ally, your grandma. Con­trary to the aver­age grandma, the video is an ener­get­ic piece, full of young people and dynam­ic skateboarding. 

This vivid edit cap­tures the life of the Youth Skate­boards fam­ily under a bright and humor­ous light; it was mostly filmed in Poland and around Europe through­out the last couple of years by some of the most tal­en­ted Pol­ish video­graph­ers: Jędrek Maczugowski and Aram Socha, with the even­tu­al goal in mind to make you want to go out and skate.