Vladimir Film Festival

Times­can 2

Brijuni / Tito's cinema / 24 / 09 / 2023 / Film

Times­can 2 is not just anoth­er skate­board­ing video. It is some­thing much more. Dur­ing the film­ing pro­cess, a lot has changed about the world we used to know. With no idea of when bor­ders will open up or where skate­board­ing was headed, I spent the last four years trav­el­ing and film­ing the people around me, dig­ging deep­er and deep­er into the Japan­ese skate scene. All of the exper­i­ences from my life-chan­ging choice to live and skate in Japan have led to this movie. Filmed and edited by Rob Taro, Times­can 2 fea­tures full parts for Ryo Nobuchi­ka, Masaki Hongo, Ryo Sejiri, Kazuaki Tamaki, Shintaro Hongo and Gou Miy­agi — his first in nine years — and foot­age from many friends, includ­ing Kyono­suke Yamashita, Rio Mor­ishige, Shi­geta Iha, Shogo Zama, Lui Araki, Hiroki Muraoka, Shoma Take­da, Jin­nosuke Okada, Shin Shan­bogi, Shor West and more.