Vladimir Film Festival

The World Isn’t Fin­ished Yet, Is It? by Jocko Weyland

Pula / ECDP / 23 / 09 / 2023 / Exhibition

The World Isn’t Fin­ished Yet, Is It? is an exhib­i­tion of pho­to­graphs, draw­ings and paint­ings by artist, writer, and cur­at­or Jocko Wey­land, presen­ted at the European Cen­ter for Peace and Devel­op­ment in Pula, Croa­tia, organ­ized by and in con­junc­tion with the Vladi­mir Film Festival.

On dis­play will be ‘word’ draw­ings that are tran­scrip­tions of signs and oth­er pub­lic announce­ments from China, paint­ings of brightly colored clay Rus­si­an folk-art fig­ur­ines his moth­er bought in Moscow in the 1960’s, depic­tions of objects and nat­ur­al items on the ground from his time work­ing for the Parks and Recre­ation Depart­ment in Incline Vil­lage, Nevada, and “redac­ted” and over­painted fol­dout ski area trail maps. Bookend­ing the exhib­i­tion will be a sampling of clos­eup pho­tos fet­ish­iz­ing details of hard­core album cov­ers from the early 1980’s, and recent ski­ing self-portraits.

Jocko Wey­land (b. 1967, Hel­sinki, Fin­land) is the author of The Answer is Nev­er — A Skateboarder’s His­tory of the World (Grove Press, 2002), The Powder, Danny’s Lot, Geo­mancy, and Egg Strike on Orch­ard (Dash­wood Books, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2021, respect­ively), and the short story col­lec­tion Eat­ing Glass, pub­lished in 2015 by 1980 Edi­tions. He star­ted the seri­al pub­lic­a­tion Elk in 2003, which spawned Elk Books and the eponym­ous Elk Gal­lery, an itin­er­ant space that presen­ted six­teen exhib­its at non-tra­di­tion­al places in New York, Los Angeles, and Beijing between 2006-11. In New York, from 1991 to 2006, Wey­land worked as an arch­iv­ist for the Burns Archive, the Sygma Photo Agency, and The Asso­ci­ated Press Photo Lib­rary, and later lived in Beijing for two years teach­ing Eng­lish and writ­ing the bimonthly column ‘Raw China’. for Vice Magazine. More recently he has spent win­ters as a lift oper­at­or at the Dia­mond Peak ski area and was cur­at­or at MOCA Tuc­son from 2013 – 17.

Exhib­i­tion remains open from Septem­ber 23rd — Octo­ber 23rd 2023.